Explain like I'm 5: Front-end Developer, Interview Questions [2024]

January 2nd, 2024Explain like I'm 5: Front-end Developer, Interview Questions [2024]


In this post, we will take a look at Interview Questions for a Front-end Developer, explained like you were five years old.

### JS Related (Explained Like I'm 5)

#### 1. JS Hoisting - **Like**: Imagine putting your toys in a box at night, but when you wake up, they're all lined up on the shelf. In JavaScript, hoisting is like your variables and functions moving to the top of your code while you're not looking.

#### 2. JS Closure - **Like**: If you have a secret box where you keep your treasures, and only you can add more treasures or show them to others, that's like closure. It remembers and holds onto these treasures (variables) even after you're done playing (function is executed).

#### 3. Var, Let, Const - **Like**: `var` is an old toy box you can fill and re-fill with toys (variables) anytime. `let` is a newer toy box where you can change the toys but can't swap the box. `const` is a special box where once you put a toy in, it stays there forever – you can't change it.

#### 4. Data Types, Differences, Explanation - **Like**: Different toys represent different data types. Stuffed animals might be strings, blocks could be numbers, and a puzzle might be an object. Each toy type is used for different kinds of play (purposes in code).

#### 5. JS AbortController - **Like**: If you start a race with your friend but then decide to stop, that’s like using `AbortController`. It’s used to stop something (like fetching data) in the middle of it happening.

#### 6. This, Explanation - **Like**: “This” in JavaScript is like saying “me” in real life. Just like how “me” changes depending on who is speaking, “this” can mean different things depending on where it’s used.

#### 7. Arrow Functions, Explanation, Usage - **Like**: Arrow functions are like a quick way to write a note. Instead of a long letter (traditional function), you write a short note (arrow function) that still tells your friends (the program) what to do.

#### 8. Async Await - **Like**: Imagine you ask your mom to make cookies (async function). You wait (await) until she’s done before you eat them. This way, you don’t eat the dough before it’s baked into cookies!

#### 9. Promises - **Like**: A promise is like when your friend says they will give you a toy tomorrow. You don’t know if it’s going to be a car or a doll (success or error), but you know you’ll get something.

#### 10. High Order Functions - **Like**: A high order function is like a magic toy box that takes in your toys (functions) and gives them superpowers (new functions) or combines them into a mega-toy (function).

#### 11. JS Scope - **Like**: Scope in JavaScript is like having different playgrounds. In each playground (scope), you have different toys (variables) to play with, and you can’t use toys from one playground in another.

#### 12. Class vs. Object - **Like**: A class is like a recipe for making a cake. It tells you what you need and how to make it. An object is like the actual cake made using that recipe.

#### 13. TypeScript - **Like**: TypeScript is like having a stricter and smarter toy box. It makes sure you put the right types of toys in and tells you if you’re doing something wrong.


### Web Dev Related (Explained Like I'm 5)

#### 1. HTTP Meaning, Explanation - **Like**: HTTP is like the mailman for the internet. It delivers messages (data) from one computer to another.

#### 2. REST API - **Like**: A REST API is like a menu in a restaurant. It shows you the different kinds of requests you can make (like ordering food) and what you’ll get back.

#### 3. Cache - **Like**: A cache is like a special drawer where you keep your favorite toys so you can get them quickly without searching the whole house.

#### 4. Local Cache - **Like**: Local cache is like having a secret pocket where you keep your favorite candies, so they’re always easy to get.

#### 5. Cookies - **Like**: Web cookies are like stickers you get when you visit a store. They remember something about you for the next time you visit.

#### 6. CRUD, Meaning, Explanation - **Like**: CRUD stands for Create, Read, Update, Delete. It’s like when you make a drawing (Create), look at it (Read), add more colors to it (Update), or throw it away (Delete).

#### 7. HTTP Methods - **Like**: HTTP methods are ways you can talk to a website. GET is asking for something, POST is giving

something new, and PUT is changing something that's already there.

#### 8. Query Methods - **Like**: Query methods are like asking a specific question to find your toy in a big toy box.

#### 9. Put, Post - **Like**: PUT is like replacing an old toy with a new one. POST is like adding a new toy to your collection.


### React Related (Explained Like I'm 5)

#### 1. State - **Like**: State in React is like a scoreboard in a game. It keeps track of what's happening right now in the game (your app).

#### 2. MobX Store - **Like**: MobX store is like a central toy box where all your toys (data) are kept, and whenever you take out a toy or put in a new one, everyone knows about it.

#### 3. React Lifecycle Methods/Hooks - **Like**: These are like rules for your toys (components). They tell the toys what to do when they first come out of the box (mount), when they get played with (update), and when they go back in the box (unmount).

#### 4. React Portal - **Like**: A React portal is like a magical door that lets you take a toy (component) and play with it somewhere else, outside of your regular playroom (DOM tree).

#### 5. React Hooks - **Like**: Hooks in React are like backpacks for your components. They let you carry around useful things like state and other React features wherever you go in your app.

#### 6. Virtual DOM vs. Real DOM - **Like**: The real DOM is like a big, heavy toy box. The virtual DOM is like a lightweight, easy-to-move copy of this box. React uses this copy to figure out the easiest way to make changes to the real toy box.

#### 7. React High Order Component - **Like**: A high-order component is like a robot that can take one of your toys (components) and give it superpowers (extra functionality).

#### 8. Class Component vs. Functional Component - **Like**: Class components are like building a toy with a detailed instruction book. Functional components are like free-building with blocks. You can use hooks (special pieces) to add more features to your toy.

Happy coding! 🧑‍💻